In 2019, the international testing scheme “Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study” (TIMSS) conducted research to test the learning outcomes of a student in 4th and 8th grade, indicating that Pakistan ranked second last among low middle-income countries, with the Philippines being the worst-performing country in terms of learning outcomes.
Working independently on Curriculum by provinces and regions, owing to the 18th Constitutional Amendment, disconnected the education and training of the country’s children and impacted the quality and standard. The disparity between what is taught and what is expected as learning outcomes gave birth to the idea of a Single National Curriculum.
Since its revision, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2009 has remained a national document held by all citizens. Under NEP 2009, the duty of directing educational growth, including monitoring and reviewing NEP, was given to the Inter-Provincial Education Ministerial Conference (IPEMC). The IPEMC was held on February 11, 2014. In light of the above decision, all provinces and areas unanimously approved the formation of the National Curriculum Council (NCC) to develop a minimum curriculum that would ensure minimum national standards in all subjects, and emphasize national ideology and societal needs.
In 2018, NCC took over the curriculum creation process, and a task force was formed with representatives from numerous organizations, educational systems, and well-known figures in the sector. On August 16, 2021, Prime Minister Imran Khan formally introduced the “Single National Curriculum” (SNC). It was largely based on the PTI manifesto, which raised the issue of a Single National Curriculum in order to eliminate class conflicts and create equal educational standards for all the students of Pakistan, regardless of race, class, gender, or any other arbitrary marker.
CREDP supports introducing a Single National Curriculum in Pakistan, specifically to advance social and socioeconomic equality. To ensure that all students have access to high-quality education on equitable terms, our education system should have a standardized curriculum, language of teaching, and evaluation tools. Executing a national curriculum in an organized and smooth way, would be a positive step in that direction. For this purpose, all stakeholders must work together to achieve quality and equality in Pakistan’s education system, with great stress on well trained, talented and motivated teachers.

Empowering Pakistan’s Future: The Importance of Girls’ Education
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Empowering Pakistan’s Future: The Importance of Girls’ Education
Despite some progress, Pakistan still faces significant challenges in ensuring equal access to quality education for girls.

Curriculum Design: Enhancing Education in Pakistan
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